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Zgodovina / History


Od pradavnine do Vikingov


Pradomovina Švedov je Uppsala, kot kažejo genske raziskave. Prebivalci tukaj so najbolj podobni povprečnemu Švedu. Vendar, le počasi v klance, kot rečejo Švedi. To »resnico« je komaj še mogoče braniti celo na tem zgodovinskem  mestu, v Uppsali, 70 km severozahodno od Stockholma. Resnica je namreč, da so Švedi precej heterogena druščina Evropejcev, ki so počasi in vztrajno že pred deset tisoč leti sledili topljenju kontinentalnega ledu iz juga proti severu. V tisočletjih zatem so se mešali s prišleki iz kontinenta, ki so prihajali iz zahoda, juga in vzhoda. Sven in Agneta iz Uppsale nosita v svojih telesih genske sledove prednikov Germanov iz severovzhoda, severozahodnih Slovanov in celo kanček krvi iz alpsko-jadranskega sveta. Sledi človeka iz kamene dobe so našli tudi na zahodni obali Švedske, ta naj bi bil danes star že okroglih devet tisoč let. Tudi na severovzhodni obali so sledi ljudi iz mezolitika - ostanki bivališč verjetno lovcev na severne jelene.





From Prehistoric Times to the Vikings


The cradle of the Swedish is Uppsala, as has been shown by genetical research. The population here share most characteristics of the average Swede. And yet, let’s not hurry upphill, as the Swedish like to say. This ‘’truth’’ can hardly be defended even at this historical spot, at Uppsala, 70 kilometres north-west of Stockholm. The truth is that the Swedish are a rather heterogenous company of Europeans, who aready ten thousand years ago slowly and persistently began following the melting of continental ice from the south to the north. In the next thousands of years they mixed their genes with the newcomers from the continent, carriving from the west, south and east. Sven and Agneta from Uppsala carry in their bodies traces of genes of their Germanic predecessors from the south-east, the north-western Slavs and even a tiny bit of blood from the Alpine-Adriatic world. Traces of man from the Stone Age have been found also on the western coast of Sweden, going back already some nine thousand years. On the north-eastern coast there are traces of people from the Mesolithic – the remains of presumably reindeer hunters’ dwellings. 



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